Tales from the Past
Recently, I was told by a fellow Cake Designer about Brides and their chosen Wedding attire before what we know was imposed by Queen Victoria and the seemingly White Wedding Dress.I have written before how this relatively new fashion has taken over and pretty much everyone has forgotten that in some parts of Europe [or all of Europe, as it is not quite so clear cut] Brides used to marry in Black.

Although not completely clear, I have read an article that points to the fact that Wedding dresses were indeed Black [see pictures] and then started changing to black and some White elements. At the same time, tru own research I know that the "Wedding Dress" itself ,might also be a fashion imposed by Queen Vicky ,as there are quite an amount of reports that points out to the fact that Wedding Dresses were to be used again , so they needed to be less Wedding more Gown than what we are meant to believe now.

I do find this particularly fascinating given the fact that I do like Black and would love to do a Black Wedding Cake but also because it might have meant something more that have been lost tru the times. Maybe the lost of innocence? becoming the property of someone [as Women used to back in the olden days] and so on . Which also reminds me of some Cultural differences from ancient Tribes back in Venezuela where the adults cry when babies are born [ their reasoning being they are coming into a realm of suffering and a life of danger and despair ] and they literally celebrate when their members die [as they pass into a better , happier? realm ]. Maybe it is nothing, maybe only meant that the Brides had a death in the family and they chose to marry in Black and all that. But, it actually is food for thought...what do you think?
Wedding Season has started already, my first one coming up in just 2 weeks time. Then it is all busy from there to August-September. Apart from Wedding shows and celebration cakes. And of course Holidays!
I also took part on my first competition, small one, just for fun, to check what it is all about it. I have always say and still think that Awards do not bring Customers. The reality is that the Wedding Industry is a one Time-Client sort of Industry. You might create opportunities for promotion with your clients, but once they are married , they will not come back to you and it is also VERY budget orientated. Not everyone is looking for a top notch expensive Cake and even less can afford it and that is where the Award really becomes nothing basically. I didn't get anything, sadly. Competitions are rarely a breeding ground for Creativity as I have been told several times by different people in different areas. Nevertheless, I have not been discouraged and will try again at some point!
We were also featured on Marta May Photography Blog with a fabulous entry about a photoshoot we did and just because she thinks our Cakes are gorgeous! [ Her words not mine! ] You can read all about it here http://martamayphotography.co.uk/beautiful-wedding-cakes-by-have-some-cake/
There is more to come soon! But you can always follow us on Instagram for nearly daily updates or like our FB page! You can find the links to both at the bottom of this page!
Hasta la Vista !!!