A Wedding Fayre Survival Guide
Wedding Fayres....Wedding Fayres....for some it is a dreaded Word , for other not so much. Just coming out of the last one I thought I would write down something about them . Now to be really fair I haven't been to that many Wedding Fayres but I have gather some knowledge by my own experience and by other people's experiences.
So here it is, a sort of short-ish, hand-ish, funny-ish Survival Guide to a Wedding Fayre for Brides, Grooms and everyone in between from an Exhibitor's Point of View [ Also most likely useful for other Exhibitors new or seasoned ]:
1. Are All Exhibitors are after my Business [ My Money...My hard earned Money!]?
Short Answer: YES! But and It is a BIG BUT our lives and business do not depends on a few Brides bookings over a Wedding Fayre . They are much more than just selling you a product, they are very good for networking between business and in some cases for showcasing new work that some of us have been working on. While it might seem to the standard Bride that we only want to sell you anything, most likely we are also scanning you all back for a good Customer because that is more valuable than JUST another customer.
2. There is NO-ZERO-NADA Compromise!
I have never understood how some Brides,Couples, Groom just walk around looking from far away and never ever ask or interact with whoever is there. It is your time! ask , ask , ask and you shall received! Don't be shy, all exhibitors in a Wedding Fayre are very proud of what they are showcasing, they all believe in what they are presenting to you and most likely , they are just happy to talk to you about it without expecting anything back from you. Just Questions!
3. Missed Opportunities.
Marrying on a Budget? Long Engagement while you sort out your Finances? Just wanting to save some money? Then Wedding Fayres are the perfect place to get anything and everything for less than you think! We all have Deals, Offers, Rewards just for the duration of the Fayre. It's up to you to grab it! Most exhibitors would offer you discounts on the day too and payment facilities so why not go prepared? Saving money on Cakes, Dresses and many other things could be the difference between a Honeymoon in Ibiza or a Honeymoon in Barbados!
4. S-M-I-L-E
I'm a sucker for smiling Brides and Grooms. I would do my best and better for those energetic, enthusiastic couples and so would the rest of Exhibitors! most probably throwing more and more things in the hat without adding to the final price tag!
5. "Many Wedding Fayres or Just THE ONE Wedding Fayre?"
In my humble opinion, one is enough! You can gather all the information you want and you can start planning based on just the one. Going to more than one just confuse you even more!!!! And you risk getting to the point in which ALL looks the same, ALL looks bad. Some might think that you have Internet and you can find anything on it but also you can fake everything on it rather than seeing it with your own eyes! from products quality to reviews!
6. "But I just want to find MY PERFECT Supplier...."
It is a business relationship! You have to built a rapport with your Supplier and viceversa . It is a 2 way street. If you like one you have seen, stick to it, build a relationship, see where it takes you! You might change your mind half way and by all minds find someone else but you will never know based on a few words and a couple of hours.
7. "I just don't know what to do"
Well, there are people there to HELP you navigate it. For most, Weddings is a one time event so most probably you aren't alone in not knowing everything.
8. Do Talk about your Budget! [And DO have one for everything!]
It's not a thing to be ashamed of. And it is a realistic thing to do. There is no point in having 150 guests if you are making cuts in other areas that you desire just because your Budget is just going away! Telling your Supplier/Exhibitor about your Budget triggers ideas in us to help you out to get what you want on your Budget! And guess what? If you do it at a Wedding Fayre you are most likely to have it!
9. "Wedding Fayres are Boring...Cheesy..."
Honest Asnwer: They are! You are right on the money! They are even more so for Us , Exhibitors! They are not boring just for you. Nope. They are also stressful! Now Cheesy? Well, it is debatable. I do believe all Wedding are cheesy in a good way. They are all emotional events and rigtly so! Some people might find it cheesy and others not.
10. "I do not want to be contacted afterwards...all those emails"
And missing again so many opportunities????? Like I said in points 3 and 5. Read them, you never know what you might find. It allows you to get to know the Supplier , to build an image of them. Some might remember you! And will be more willing to give you a better price even outside a Wedding Fayre. And in any case you can always say NO [and no one would contact you again] or unsubscribe to their Newsletters.
11. "Here Today, Gone Tomorrow"
Always bear that in mind! Waiting for the BEST opportunity always risk missing the BEST opportunity! If you like something, do be decisive and ask for it! Don't wait just because you can think you can get a better deal or like something more somewhere else because neither can happen. Which takes me to the last point...
If you are having a Big Reception, expect to be costly. If you want a Luxury Dress expect to pay the price. If you want an overly decorated Cake, expect to pay for it. There is no other way around this and it is probably the most stressful point for Couples planning to marry. Managing Expectations ensures you enjoy the whole Wedding Planning!
So those are my points...which are yours????
Think next I will probably write about Wedding Cakes and how to manage them , order them etc! Hope you enjoy my little conversation and hopefully there will be some comments below!
Till next time!